8 Productivity Tools for College Students

Staff Writer
Apr 25, 2022

Being a college student isn’t easy, but these productivity tools can help make life a little easier.


If its been a while since you’ve been in school, the thought of bibliographies and citations might send chills down your spine. Never fear – Bibme has you covered! This free tool enables students to easily create citations and build a bibliography in MLA, APA, and Chicago.


This outstanding note-taking tool syncs your notes between all your devices. It has some really cool features we could write an entire blog about. Check out their blog for some top tips for college students who want to use the tool.


IFTTT (If This Then That) is an app that lets you build “recipes” that puts the internet to work for you. A “recipe” is a command that executes when a particular catalyst is selected. Example: “If I get an email attachment, then save the attachment in dropbox” or “If it’s going to snow tomorrow, send me a reminder to leave early for class.” The possibilities are almost endless. Check out this blog for tips on how you can use IFTTT to automate your life!


Feeling scattered is an inevitable part of college life. For task planning and subtle reminders, there are few tools better than Any.Do. Write tasks, share them with a contact, add sub-notes, or set reminders. Any.Do syncs to your computer and across your other devices.


Dropbox is a free service that allows you to store your homework, notes, pictures, presentations, or any other documents in the cloud so they can be accessed anywhere and shared easily. BTW…there’s an IFTTT recipe that lets you easily connect your Dropbox to Evernote.


This productivity tool helps you understand your daily habits. It runs securely in the background on your computer, phone, or tablet, tracks what time you spend on apps and websites, and gives you detailed reports summarizing your activity. Have you ever wondered where all your time went? Rescuetime probably has the answer!

Mozy Backup

Picture this nightmare scenario: You’ve completed all your assignments. Feeling accomplished, you head to the kitchen to grab a victory snack. Upon your return, you notice your computer is laying dead and unresponsive. All is lost!!! Mozy Backup is a great way to cover your bases in the event of computer catastrophe by automatically backing up your precious files. There are a number of similar services worth checking out as well. Don’t let your nightmare become a reality!


Does the right music put you in the zone? Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. Turn up the volume and get cranking on that homework!


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