nursing student studying with a book

7 Tips for Starting the Semester Off Right

Staff Writer
Apr 25, 2022

It’s that time of the year again! Here are some tips for starting the semester on the right foot.

1. Create a checklist.

A number of articles explain the merit of creating checklists – and we can’t agree more. Prioritizing your to-dos and checking them off as you go is a great way to get organized as you head back to class.

2. Get your ZZZZZZZs.

Hopefully you got plenty of rest during your break. Now is the time to develop sleep patterns according to when you need to wake up in the morning for classes. Good rest improves performance. You want to perform well. Everyone likes sleep. The reasons for solid nightly rest are piling up!

3. Clutter kills.

Things have a tendency of piling up from the previous semester and during your break. Now is the time to clean up your study spaces. When I was in college, my car became an old textbook and notebook graveyard. I made it a habit of starting each semester with a clean desk, an organized bag, and a spotless(ish) vehicle. I encourage you to follow this advice. You’ll be amazed at the clarity it provides.

4. Get (re)connected.

You may have lost contact with our best study buddies during the semester break. Reach out the them and let them know it’s time to get back to business. Your success in college has a lot to do with what happens between classes. Connect with the right people that’ll help you be successful and that you can help in return!

5. Set realistic expectations and goals.

What grades do you want to get? Write down your goals keep the front and center. Take them seriously. Be sure to tell a few people about your goals so they can help you take it seriously as well. Also, set realistic expectations for the amount of work that is ahead of you. Preparing yourself mentally is half the battle.

6. Remember, enjoy the process.

The late night study sessions and overwhelming course load may make this tip a little laughable, but you should remind yourself to enjoy college. What you learn and the connections you make will last a lifetime. If it were easy, everyone would do it. This is the path you’re walking down. Make sure you take some time to smell the roses along the way!

7. Arrive early.

Don’t be the student that runs into class as the instructor is shutting the door….especially on the first day! Set the right tone for the semester by arriving early.


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